Business leaders and parliamentarians will lead the discussion at Kabel Norge’s annual conference in Oslo later this month (March 13-14).
The Great Digital TV and Broadband Conference 2013 will hear from Norway’s minister of reform, who will brief delegates on the government’s view of its broadband policy.
Leading members of parliament will debate whether Norway has the broadband policy the country needs and what is required to reach the targets of the ICT Policy and Digital Agenda.
For a wider perspective that looks at the Norwegian situation and European technology and policy related trends, speakers include Norwegian cable chiefs Gunnar Evensen, CEO of Get and Gisle Pedersen CEO of Canal Digital Kabel-TV, who will speak with presenter Elin Festøy about the latest market developments and the challenges of meeting new demands from increasingly connected customers.
Mourad Veeneman, vice president, technology at UPC will give a special insight into big technological Breakthroughs on the horizon with 10 Gbps Broadband speeds.
Matthias Kurth, executive chairman at Cable Europe will talk about why European cable operators are becoming winners of Broadband and TV distribution in an already converging world.
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