75% of households in the US have at least one HDTV set, up from 23% five years ago. Few watch 3D TV.
Over the past five years, 52% of US households adopted HDTV, according to research by Leichtman Research Group.
In addition, 51% of HDTV households have more than one HDTV, compared to 22% five years ago.
Overall, about 38% of all US households now have multiple HDTV sets; up from about 26% of two years ago, and 5% all households five years ago. About 59% of TV sets in HD households are HDTVs.
These findings are based on a survey of 1,252 households throughout the US, and are part of a new LRG study, HDTV and 3D TV X.
Other related findings include: 84% with annual household incomes over $50,000 have an HDTV; compared to 73% with household incomes of $30,000-$50,000, and 56% with household incomes under $30,000.
Among those getting HD programming from a cable, satellite, or Telco TV provider, the perceived mean number of channels of HD programming is 77; up from 63 two years ago, and 29 five years ago.
About 6% of all US households currently have an HDTV set that is 3D-capable; 41% of this group do not watch any content in 3D.
Overall, 47% have seen a 3D TV, or have a 3D-capable TV; compared to 24% two years ago.
22% of all households purchased a new TV set in the past 12 months. The mean reported purchase price was $680 — about 30% less than five years ago.
14% of all households plan to purchase a new TV set in the next 12 months — compared to 19% last year, and 17% five years ago
“Over the past five years, HDTV has grown from one-quarter of all US households to three-quarters of all households, and many more households now have multiple HDTV sets,” said Bruce Leichtman, president and principal analyst for Leichtman Research Grouo.
“Today, about 47% of all TV sets in US households are HDTVs, compared to 11% just five years ago.”