ZON’s cloud-based recording service Timewarp has helped the Portugese operator reach record levels of customer satisfaction.
Timewarp allows customers browse and view content recorded over the last seven days, which based on user selection, has been recorded in a central data server.
The network PVR contributed to consolidated revenues of reached €214.7 million in the fourth quarter, and €858.6 million for 2012 as a whole. The increase of 0.4% in comparison with the previous year illustrates the tough economic climate the operator finds itself in.
Triple play customers grew by 9% to 772,600 subscribers, representing 63.9% of the cable subscriber base.
As of December 31 there were 234,000 customers taking the high-end IRIS bundle, representing a 41,800 increase on the quarter, and 30.4% of the total triple play base. These customers, which have broadband speeds of 100 Mbps with prices starting at €52.99, represent a premium of at least €7.5 over a standard triple play product.