New Ofcom research has revealed the UK to be a nation of hi-tech TV lovers.
Ofcom’s seventh International Communications Market Report says catch-up viewing is at its most popular in the UK, ahead even of Japan and the United States.
The 17 country report shows UK consumers are the most likely in the world to access TV content over the internet. Almost a quarter (23%) of UK internet users claimed to do this every week – driven by the popularity of online TV catch-up services such as BBC iPlayer, Sky Go and 4OD. The USA ranked second with 17%, with Spain third (16%).
The UK also has one of the highest proportions of TV homes with high definition – at 41%, higher than France (18%), Germany (28%) and Japan (31%), but behind the US (49%).
Unsurprisingly the UK followed the London Olympics the most intensely with 28% watching the coverage several times each day. The Japanese at 26% were not too far behind.