LISTEN TO LIVE WEBCAST. The ITU will look back on 40 years of advancements in digital TV broadcasting technology through a special anniversary celebration.
On the occasion, the organisation will also honour Russia’s Professor Mark Krivocheev, ‘the father of digital television’, who began his pioneering work in the field back in 1972 when chairing an ITU Radiocommunication Sector technical study group.
The ITU will stage a live public webcast in all six UN languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Russian, which can be accessed here. The webcast will take place on Tuesday 30 October, 16:00-17:15 CET. After the event, there will be an archived version available on the ITU website. (NOTE – the webcast is audio only)
The event will begin with an overview by Professor Krivocheev (who is still active as honorary chairman of ITU-Study Group 6) of the development of digital TV since its inception, followed by a presentation by Phil Laven, former director at the European Broadcasting Union and chairman of industry-led consortium DVB, on the future of broadcast television.
The chairman of ITU-R Study Group 6 (broadcasting service) Mr Christoph Dosch, and the Chairman of ITU-R Working Party 6C (programme production and quality assessment) Mr David Wood, will present a plaque to ITU commemorating these 40 years of achievement, signed by 21 leading organizations in the domain of broadcasting.
ITU Secretary-General Dr Hamadoun I. Touré, himself a satellite engineer, along with the Directors of ITU’s Radiocommunication Bureau and Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, will also preside over the ceremony.