Telenor Broadcast has delivered a solid third quarter with pay-TV operation Canal Digital stabilising on 948,000 customers, a loss of just 4,000 subscribers in the tough Nordic market.
“We have worked very hard at stabilising the customer base for Canal Digital, better products and an important focus on customer service, are some of our tools. “In addition to this, we have a strong focus on costs, which is one of the reasons why our EBITDA increased by 30% from the third quarter last year, says Patrick Hofbauer, the Telenor Broadcast CEO, who is also directly responsible for Canal Digital.
Telenor Broadcast has now delivered three consecutive quarters of improved results. Its rival Modern Times Group, which operates the Viasat platform last week warned of declining numbers in the Nordic region brought about by increased competition.
Pay-TV security provider Conax produced slightly lower revenues this quarter, as card orders were delayed. It has maintained an EBITDA margin of 41%.
Telenor Satellite Broadcasting set a record for quarterly sales thanks to the London Olympics. The division is proceeding with the build of the new Thor 7 satellite. There was however a slight decrease in revenues from Q3 2011 due to lower revenues from broadcasting.