Bundled services were received by over 2.6 million people in Poland at the end of 2011, or 23.5% more than a year, according to a new study published by the country’s Office of Electronic Communication (UKE).
The most popular were double play, chosen by 48.1% of subscribers, with most opting for internet and cable TV, followed by fixed line telephony and internet.
The incumbent TP and UPC Polska were the leading providers of internet/cable TV and UPC Polska and Vectra of fixed-line telephony/internet packages.
The study found that there was less interest in triple-play bundles, which were only received by one in five (19.7%) subscribers.
Cable TV, internet and fixed-line telephony were the most popular variant, with UPC Polska, Vectra and Telefonia Dialog the leading providers.
The UKE compared its findings with those for the EU as a whole, based on the E-Communications Household Survey published by the EC in 2008, 2010 and 2012.
This found that as of the end of last year 43% of EU homes receiving subscription services opted for packages.
The most popular were fixed-line telephony and internet, chosen by a third of homes, followed by triple play consisting of TV, internet and fixed-line telephony.
Significantly, 90% chose a package that included internet access.