IBC 2012 PREVIEW – AMSTERDAM. SMiT has released a new firmware package for CI Plus 1.3 ahead of IBC 2012, where the company will showcase the latest features within the conditional access module.
SMiT’s latest generation of CAMs add a number of enhancements, including operator EPG and UI branding using HD graphics, leveraging host’s IP connection for VOD content delivery, increased operator control over content usage and new capabilities to allow the CAM to tune the host to new services.
“The upgrade to the CI Plus v1.3 specification is a milestone for SMiT as well as the entire conditional access market as satellite and cable operators are always concerned about content protection and feature selections,” said Hongyu Shuai, President and COO of SMIT. “We are confident that the added security and features in the new specification will bring benefits to operator and accelerate their adoption of CAM.”
Any device registered after August 1, 2012 is required to conform to the CI Plus v1.3 specification. SMiT received CI Plus v1.3 certification on its latest CAM in August 2012 by Digital TV Labs and expects commercial production and shipment to commence in the fourth quarter of 2012.