Spain’s Prisa ended the second quarter with 1.831million pay-TV subscribers on its Canal+ business, along with 100,209 from other operators and OTT.
This represented an increase of 40,968 (satellite, OTT and from other operators) on the same period last year.
Net adds from operators grew by 17,962 over the year (11,388 in H1 2012), while satellite ARPU was €41.71 on average in Q2 (compared to €41.2 a year earlier) and churn 14% (14.2%).
The iPlus hybrid-PVR subscriber total meanwhile stood at 574,440, a year-on-year increase of 33.2%.
The company’s revenues in its audiovisual division reached €594 million and EBITDA €103.37 million) in the second quarter, with strong growth in pay-TV(8.8%, adjusted for extraordinary items).