Despite political pressure from the Dutch parliament, the Dutch cable networks remain closed for third party resellers – at least for the time being.
Telecom regulator OPTA has argued that there is enough competition between network infrastructures (cable, DTT, DTH and IPTV) for consumers to choose from. Also, the cable operators do not have a national footprint.
In a case brought about by three potential resellers, KPN, Tele2 and YouCa. the Dutch court for businesses – College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven (CBb) – said it could not rule since OPTA has not made any final decision. However, the CBb will hold another meeting next September to further discuss the matter.
Meanwhile, OPTA said it would launch a new market analysis early next year. In January 2013 the new Dutch telecoms law will come into effect, which allows for third party access to analogue cable networks. However, the new law might be in conflict with European regulation, which states that only the regulator can grant access to networks, not the law.
Following a new market analysis of the TV distribution market in January, OPTA told local press it will rule on third party access.