The rollout of DVB-T2 in Russia has run into early difficulties.
Kommersant reports that many terrestrial viewers have found themselves unable to watch TV as they do not have the necessary reception equipment.
What is more, the latter is still relative scarce and expensive, with LG sets, for instance, costing up R50,000 (€1,254).
DVB-T2 tuners are meanwhile being sold for around R3,800-4,200, though communications minister Igor Shchegolev has promised they will be reduced to around R1,500, with subsidies being made available to the most needy viewers.
However, the situation is expected to improve once domestic (Russian) production by such companies as Samsung and LG gets under way.
DVB-T2 services were launched in the city of Kazan at the beginning of this month and have since also been introduced in Moscow and St Petersburg.