Over-the-top video services carried on connected TV will represent 16.7% of the total OTT market by 2016.
New research from Idate suggests the global market for services on connected TVs will reach €2.4 billion of the OTT market with Europe and North America representing 17% and 54% respectively.
“Managed network players – cable and IPTV providers, for instance – are holding one of the key drivers for the Connected TV market development. They can continue their strategy of service distribution or open massively their networks to over-the-top services giving a boost to their commercial offers,” said Idate’s Jacques Bajon.
Idate says the figures correspond to its overall analysis of the deployment of connected TV services, which concluded that the conditions for the launch of new services have still not been completely met with the anticipation that the market will not start to move until 2015.
It anticipates advertising revenues will come predominantly from long form videos with shorter clips and user generated content remaining with smart phones and PCs.