More than 50% of all TV sets in Dutch homes will be connected to the web within two years, according to GfK research.
At the end of December 2011, 16% of all TV sets in Holland were connected. GfK estimates the number at 1,118,000. Of these, 50% actually use this function.
Although connectivity is an important new feature of TV sets, GfK research shows that it is not (yet) a deciding factor with consumers. Most important are still sharp, good quality picture, size of the screen, the right price and ease of use.
GfK also researched why people are not using internet access. Half the people said the remote was too difficult to use, one third claimed to have not enough time, while one quarter needed more explanation how to work the functionality.
Compared to watching linear TV, usage of connected TV is still limited, with an average of 18 minutes a day and movies and music being the most popular content.