Digital terrestrial television is by far the most important digital platform in France, with 62.6% of all viewers making use of this kind of reception.
IPTV is runner-up with 27.5% of all viewers, followed by digital satellite with 22.8%. Digital cable reaches just 8.5%.
The figures come from the seventh Observatoire research on the mode of TV reception in the country, which was published by the regulator CSA.
On June 30, 2011 only 2% of the people in mainland France were solely dependent on receiving analogue terrestrial television. These viewers were mainly found in the regions that were still served by analogue transmitters (Provence-Alpes, Alpes, Midi-Pyrénées and Languedoc-Roussillon).
At that date, 97.6% of all viewers owned at least one digital TV tuner (DTT, satellite DTH, IPTV or cable), which is up 11.8% compared with the previous year. 96% of all primary TV sets were able to tune to digita,l with 72% of all second TV sets.
Of the satellite DTH homes, 9.7% of the viewers have subscription service (CanalSat or another), 3.4% watch without any kind of subscription, while 9.6% said they use both a subscription service and free-to-air services.