SES has said that more than 1.5 million households now receive the operator’s encrypted HD+ platform. The number of paying customers stood at about 250,000 at the end of September.
According to the Luxembourg based satellite operator, the HD+ service in Germany delivered a robust contribution. The number of HD channels broadcast on the HD+ platform has increased to 12.
While the majority of the 1.5 households with an HD+ smart card are still in the introductory 12 month free trial phase, the conversion rate into paying customers is well over 50%. On September 30, there were a quarter of a million paying households.
If the current trend continues, the number of paying HD+ homes will reach over one million in the last quarter of 2012. The switch to digital DTH reception will no doubt be accelerated after the planned April 30, 2012 analogue switch-off for the German satellite broadcasters.
Astra Germany has launched a big promotional campaign for the platform with dozens of TV spots. The tagline of the campaign is “He who has no HD+, can not enjoy the most beautiful moments of HD.” HD+ channels are encrypted and viewers need a certified satellite receiver and a smart card to receive the channels. The first year viewing comes free, after which a yearly fee of €50 is due.
HD+ now offers RTL HD, Sat.1 HD, ProSieben HD, VOX HD, kabel eins HD, RTL II HD, SPORT1 HD, N24 HD, Nickelodeon HD, Comedy Central HD, Tele 5 HD and sixx HD.