Although Ono’s TiVo service was only officially launched on a soft basis in the Madrid and Barcelona regions in October, it is already attracting strong interest.
According to the cable company, over 32,000 TV customers have so far pre-registered for the service, which will be introduced in other parts of the country in the coming quarters.
Operating in what it describes as currently being “a very difficult and volatile market environment”, Ono has posted revenues of €371 million for the third quarter, up 2.5% on three months earlier.
EBITDA amounted to €191 million (+2.8%) and net profit stood at €14 million (-5.8%). Ono’s residential customer total stood at 1,906,000 (-0.3% q-o-q), of which 1,813,000 (-0.3%) were fibre and 93,000 (+0.2%) ADSL.
In the residential fibre sector, ARPU in Q3 stood at €51.7 (€51.5 in Q2) and net churn 16.7% (14.6%).
Ono notes that its bundling strategy has been successful, with almost 98% of new customers opting for a bundled service.
Furthermore, 24% its broadband customers take ultra-high internet speeds packages and 88% of its pay-TV customers subscribe to its premium TV packages Extra and Total.