The French Competition Authority (Autorité de la concurrence) has announced that Vivendi and the Canal + Group resubmit the review of the operator’s takeover of TPS.
The move follows the withdrawal of the authorisation given by the Competition Authority in September. The renewed submission gives the Authority the chance of reviewing the operation in terms of current market conditions.
The Authority will first check that the new file is complete and then assess the competitive impact of the operation in relation to the situation today in the markets concerned. It will also consider if remedies could or should be made to the competition problems that could be identified.
All interested parties (broadcasters, telecommunications operators, producers) are invited to make representations to the Competition Authority.
Last September, the Authority fined Canal+ up to €30 million for failing to comply with a number of commitments, some of which it regards as “essential”, in the acquisition of TPS in 2006.