The Lithuanian incumbent telco TEO LT ended the third quarter with a total of 147,100 subscribers to its Gala-branded IPTV and DTT services.
This was almost 20.9% more than in the same period last year.
Its broadband – excluding WiFi – subscriber total meanwhile rose by 8% over the same period to 331,100 and its main telephone line total stood at 660,800.
TV services amounted to 6.2% of TEO LT’s revenues in the first nine months of this year, compared to the 33.8% and 50.4% claimed by internet/data and voice telephony respectively.
TEO LT’s consolidated revenues in the first nine months of this year were LTL554.3 million (€ 160.5 million) as opposed to LTL580.9 million in the sane period in 2010.
Its net profit was LTL117.3 million (LTL125.2 million) and EBITDA LTL227.8 million (LTL239.6 million).
The telco points out that, according to data published by the Communications Regulatory Authority of Lithuania, it had respective 38.1% and 44.9% revenue market shares of the internet access and digital TV sectors in the second quarter.