Hauppauge has launched the HD PVR Gaming Edition box, which enables gamers to record their Xbox 360 or PS3 gaming in HD using the H.264 format. The Gaming edition includes a set of Xbox 360 and PS3 component video cables.
The new device, which Hauppauge introduced at the GamesCom 2011 in Cologne, Germany, also allows gamers to upload their favorite games to YouTube in HD and share them with other gamers online. Or they can make a high definition movie of your game play to share with your friends. It is also possibkle to play them back onto a PC screen or transfer them over to a home network for playback on a PS3 or Xbox 360.
Once the recordings are stored on a PC hard disk, gamers can play them back a PC screen or HD TV set in HD with full 5.1 channel audio. Or burn them on a standard DVD-R or DVD-RW disk for playback on a Blu-ray DVD player.