Horse Lifestyle, the first 24/7 Dutch language television channel to focus on every aspect of the equestrian lifestyle, is set to launch in Holland and Belgium in the 4th quarter of 2011.
Vanessa Somers, general manager of Horse Lifestyle, in a statement: “As an all-round family station, Horse Lifestyle offers a wide range of programmes on everything related to horses, ponies and the accompanying lifestyle. Horse Lifestyle gives the viewer an insight on how to improve your own achievements and interaction with horses. This way we hope to inspire viewers to interact with their animals in a respectful manner and to strive for the ultimate collaboration between human and animal.”
“Horse Lifestyle places the emphasis on having fun with your horse and sharing this special way of life with your whole family,” according to the channel’s website.
The channel is an initiave of Dutch based Horse Lifestyle in cooperation with US RFD TV, an American TV network ‘for the rural lifestyle’.
Negotiations are under way with a number of cable and IPTV operators in both The Netherlands and Belgium.