NMa, the Dutch Competition Authority, intends to further investigate KPN’s takeover of cable operator CAIW. In a statement, the authority said that an initial examination indicated that the takeover could significantly reduce competition in the cabler’s footprint.
According to the NMa, the problem is that by taking over the cable and the copper network in the areas served by CAIW, mainly located in the west of the country, all networks will be owned by a single company, thereby reducing consumer choice for television, internet and fixed telephony services.
The regulator has decided that further research is needed for the proposed acquisition. According to a statement by the authority, telecom regulator OPTA also shares this viewpoint. and the creation of such a purchase authorisation. If the two companies, KPN and CAIW, submit a licence application for the acquisition, the NMa has a period of 13 weeks to decide whether the merger is allowed or not.