IBC 2011: Hall 2. Stand No. A18. The growth of HbbTV services has brought with it the need to test the services and products that have adopted the interactive protocol.
At IBC 2011, Digital TV Labs will be unveiling an expanded range of products and services ahead of the planned performance regime.
Included are the HbbTV Application Lab, which capitalizes on Digital TV Labs’ experience in standards and test regimes. The company is now offering support for application authors, allowing them to verify and test their applications in the company’s test labs.
Already Digital TV Labs has built up a large collection of set-top boxes and IDTVs to form a receiver ‘zoo’. Receivers have been categorized using the company’s library of HbbTV applications, with specifications also able to be checked using its Ligada iSuite HbbTV test tool.
Digital TV Labs can also offer more structured testing and comprehensive reporting via its Application Testing Service.