The Russian commercial broadcaster CTC Media has launched a new digital state-of-the-art broadcasting complex in the capital, Moscow.
Built at a cost of around $17 million (€12 million) over a period of two and a half years, it is the first facility of its kind in the country and will distribute all three CTC Media’s Russian channels (CTC, Domashny and DTV), as well as CTC International.
In total, the complex can program and broadcast up to 21 independent channels, which currently includes the three TV networks in multiple time zones and the three separate CTC International channels.
CTC Media, which lists MTG as its largest shareholder, aims to digitise and store all of its content at the complex’s digital archive by the end of this year.
Separately, CTC Media has announced that its social TV network Videomore has launched apps for iPhone and Android mobile platforms.
The Videomore widget can also be installed on D-Link’s popular Boxee digital media player.