Samsung Electronics has started making its 3D video-on-demand service available across Europe. Following announcements in the UK and France, Samsung has now also rolled out the service in The Netherlands.
Samsung’s Explore 3D service allows viewers to stream free 3D content through a specially designed app for the Samsung Smart TV platform. Samsung’s 3D video-on-demand service currently has 20 types of free 3D content including films, music videos, children’s classics, documentaries and trailers from partner DreamWorks.
Until now, 3D content has only been available through paid subscription and Blu-ray, but over the next year Samsung will provide more options for consumers to watch 3D content. By the end of 2011, 70 free 3D videos will be available through the ‘Explore 3D’ app.
To access Samsung’s video-on-demand service, consumers with 3D Smart TVs will simply download the ‘Explore 3D’ app from ‘Samsung apps’, the first and biggest app store available for TVs. It joins other content apps such as Lovefilm and BBC iPlayer in the UK, TF Vision in France and other services across Europe.
The following Samsung Smart TVs are now available and allow access the 3D content: the D8000, D7000, D65000, D6399 – 3D LED Smart TV and the D8000 en D6900 – 3D plasma Smart TVs.