The Finnish media company Sanoma has completed its acquisition of Belgian television channels VT4 and VijfTV from SBS Broadcasting.
In April it was announced that German media group ProSiebenSat.1 had agreed to sell certain activities of SBS Broadcasting to Sanoma.
For the acquisition of Belgian television operationa of SBS, which includes the two channels VT4 and VijfTV, Sanoma joined forces with the Corelio media group and TV production company Woestijnvis. The Dutch channels SBS Broadcasting was acquired by Sanoma, in collaboration with John de Mol’s media company Talpa.
Sanoma paid an aggregate amount of €1.2 billion for the Dutch and Belgian activities of SBS Broadcasting. The acquisitions still need final approval by the Belgian Competition Council (Raad voor de Mededinging) and the Dutch Competition Authority NMa (Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit).