Dream Multimedia, the German supplier of Linux-based set-top boxes, has brought a temporary injunction against Satco Europe. At the ANGA Cable show in Cologne, Satco presented, among other items, its TV player VU+ Duo, and promotion for this infringes the brand rights of Dream.
According to Dream, Satco is illegally using the designation Enigma, which is a registered brand name of Dream. In an advertising flyer, Satco promotes the Linux operating system installed on the VU+ with the designation “Enigma 2”. Moreover, the designation Enigma appears when the set-top box boots up.
With the temporary injunction, the district court in Düsseldorf prohibits Satco from using the designation Enigma 2, including offering for sale set-top boxes equipped with operating systems so designated. Contravention of the court order can lead to a fine of up to 250.000 Euros, or a prison sentence of up to six months.
This court order is only the first step. In future, Dream said it also plans to proceed against other producers who illegally use brands owned by Dream. In a statement Dream spokesperson Alpaslan Karasu said: ?We will definitely no longer stand around and watch while competitors exploit our good name in order to sell their products.“