Motorola Mobility has signed a definitive agreement to acquire the Swedish IPTV provider Dreampark. No financial details have been announced on the deal, which is expected to close in the second quarter of 2011. The Dreampark software portfolio brings in a variety of open standards including HTML and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).
The Dreampark portfolio is expected to be integrated into the Motorola Medios service management software suite.
Speaking to Broadband TV News, Alan Lefkof, corporate vice president & GM software solutions said Dreampark would fit between the mobile and set-top divisions of Motorola Mobility within the company’s ‘Converged Experience’ work. “One of the great parts of Dreampark is that they are experts in user navigation. We really hope to use them as a front-end capability within these efforts.”
Per Skyttvall, CEO of Dreampark, told us that being part of a larger company would help the Dreampark sales story. “In the past we’ve found that even when a company thought we had a fantastic product, a procurement department would not deal with us because we were of insufficient size. We hope to be able to expand more rapidly, particularly in the US.” Skyttvall said he and his colleagues were committed to staying with the company. Skyttvall himself will take on a broader role managing strategic partnerships within Motorola Mobility.
It’s not the first time that Motorola has turned to the Nordic market in order to develop its business. In 2006 the company purchased the Swedish set-top maker Kreatel, situated just one mile from Dreampark’s 35-strong R&D facility in Linköping.
Recent deals have been announced by Dreampark involving Faroese Telecom, Ålcom, the leading IPTV operator on Åland and IP provider Egyptian Advanced Multimedia Systems (EAMS).