The Hungarian government has submitted proposed amendments to its new media law to the European Commission. However, it is felt in some quarters that they do not go far enough.
What is more, it has been reported this morning (February 18) by BBJ that the European Parliament has delayed voting on the proposed amendments as it needs more time to consider them.
Quoting Euractiv, BBJ says the proposed amendments addressed four areas of the law concerning the Audiovisual Media Services Directive and Charter of Fundamental Rights, within Article 11 on freedom of expression.
Specifically, the amendments would see on demand services no longer obliged to follow the requirements; broadcasters from other EU states not fined for infringing on Hungarian media regulations concerning provocation of hatred; on demand audiovisual services from Hungary and other EU states operate without prior authorization; and amendments made to the ban on instances of hatred and/or discrimination.
Critics have pointed out that the proposed amendments do not address the issue of the Media Council, which they claim is made up of close allies of the ruling Fidesz party.