BBC Trust chairman Sir Michael Lyons has outlined his expectations for the forthcoming review of the corporation’s expenditure in the light of the freezing of the licence fee until 2016.
Ina letter to director-general Mark Thompson, Sir Michael emphasises that the corporation’s principal TV channels, BBC One and BBC Two, should remain distinctive, but suggests that channels launched as part of the digital switchover process, will be required to make their case more forcefully. “We have previously signalled that this process is a good opportunity to assess how the shape of the BBC’s television portfolio as a whole might develop after digital switchover is complete in 2012,” he writes.
Last October’s Licence Fee settlement is likely to leave the BBC with a shortfall of 16% less income in 2016, when compared to 2011.
Sir Michael says that while the consultation is not expected to close until the summer, it is expected that initial feedback will be given beforehand.