Russia is expected to end the year with 20.5 million subscribers to pay-TV services, according to preliminary data produced by iKS-Consulting and published by ER-Telecom, one of the country’s leading cable operators.
The value of the pay-TV market is meanwhile expected to exceed R33 billion (€816.4 million).
Tricolor TV (satellite) is the leading provider of pay-TV services with 5,360,000 subscribers, followed by NTK (cable) 4,040,000, Comstar (IPTV and cable) 1,860,000, ER-Telecom (cable) 1,10,000 and Akado (cable) 1,060.
At R221, IPTV claims the highest APRU, with cable in second place with R149 and satellite third with R130.
Pay-TV penetration now stands at 40% and the top five providers claim a combined market share of 66%.