The Austrian facilities company ORS, part of public broadcaster ORF, is planning the introduction of its own pay-TV platform to be called TV Direkt.
The company has established a new subsidiary called ORS Comm, which will build an end-to-end platform for Austrian consumers before the start of the European Football Championships in 2012.
The broadcaster plans to offer a hybrid receiver, which can handle satellite DTH, terrestrial broadcasts (DVB-T2) as well as broadband access for on-demand services, such as the ORF TVthek and PPV.
ORS already offers the infrastructure for satellite distribution and encryption of all the public and private Austrian channels, which Austrian can see free of charge after obtaining an ORF smart card. The company also supplies the infrastructure for the privately owned DTH platform AustriaSat.
In 2011 AustriaSat plans to bring the private German HD channels, as they are now distributed via the HD+ platform on Astra, to Austrian homes.