Dutch music channel Slam!TV profits from the departure of TMF as an analogue music channel as it stands to gain distribution on analogue in Amsterdam and The Hague.
In early November, MTV Networks announced that it would end analogue distribution of its TMF music channel and that from January 1, 2011, the channel would only be available on digital tiers.
Following this announcement, programme councils across the country have started to advise that Slam!TV should take its place. Apart from Amsterdam and The Hague, the councils of the provinces of Brabant and Flevoland as well as some smaller ones have now earmarked Slam!TV to take the place of TMF.
Interestingly, TMF (The Music Factory) was launched by Lex Harding, former managing director at Veronica Radio/TV, and was later sold to MTV Networks. Harding is also the founder of the radio station Slam!FM, who launched the TV off-shoot Slam!TV. Until now, distribution of the TV channel was limited to digital tiers and an internet stream. Now, the channel has the change to achieve major distribution.
Jacqueline Beer Horst, managing director, Slam!FMm, said: ‘We want to contribute significantly to the development of the national musical culture and Dutch artists; it is our mission to continue to provide a window to them, anywhere, and on any TV to see.”