At least 11 Bulgarian cable operators and ISPs have merged to form a single company named Bulgarian Telecom and Television (BTT).
According to Dnevnik, the companies currently have a presence in 40 cities and 110 smaller locations, covering nearly one million households and claiming over 150,000 subscribers.
The deal is the largest merger so far in Bulgaria’s telco sector in terms of the number of companies involved and BTT aims to become a national player, introducing new services such as mobile internet.
The companies involved in the merger include NetWorx Bulgaria, Digital Communications, Escom, Internet Communication Optic Network, Telnet, STV, Balchik Net, Optinet, Diana Cable TV, PowerNet and BOL.BG East.
BTT will be headed by Dimitar Hinkov, who will be the executive director, and Emilian Dikov, who has been appointed the chair of the board of directors.
BTT will be entering a market served by a large cable industry in which Blizoo is the leading player and a DTH sector in which services are provided by three platforms.