Former CNN anchor Lou Dobbs is joining the Fox Business Network. Dobbs will host a new daily programme as well as making contributions to a number of other shows on the network.
“I’m excited and feel privileged to join the great team that Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes and Neil Cavuto have created, and I can’t wait to make whatever contribution I can to FOX Business,” said Dobbs.
Dobbs has been an anchor, managing editor and executive vice president for CNN, his daily show Moneyline and later Lou Dobbs Tonight was also seen on CNN International for many years. Lou Dobbs Tonight ended in November 2009, when Dobbs left the network, having previously left for a year in 2009, when he founded the astronautical news website
Fox Business Network was launched in October 2007. Its 50 million homes are laregely restricted to the United States.