Solid growth in TV operations in both its home market Greece and Romania were one of the few positives in the latest results published by OTE.
Its Romanian incumbent telco subsidiary Romtelecom ended Q3 with 1,003,182 subscribers to its DTH and IPTV services – in the latter case the total amounted 20,900 triple play customers – a 20.7% increase over the same period last year.
However, the company’s revenues in Q3 were, at €181.5 million, 6.6% lower year-on-year and EBITDA was 41.6% down at €39.1 million. An operating income of €8 million in Q3 2009 was translated into a loss of €13.9 million this year.
Meanwhile in Greece, OTE’s IPTV operation saw its subscriber total grow by 306.7% to 40,478 in the year ending September 30.
However, OTE as a whole saw its revenues dip by 7.8% year-on-year in Q3 to €1,392.7 million, while EBITDA slumped by 14.9% to €495 million.
Its net income stood at €126.3 million, 23.5% less than a year earlier.