The transition to digital broadcasting is about to get under way in Bosnia & Herzegovina (B&H).
Although there is as yet no funding for the process, Nezavisne novine and Limun report that the country’s Council of Ministers has promised that the services of a provider selected by tender will be paid for from public funds.
In practical terms, a tender commission will chose a company for the first stage of digitisation and BAM4.2 million (€2.15 million) has already been set aside in funding. ASO in B&H is currently a distant mid-2015, having previously been at the end of 2011.
A conference entitled Addressing Europe’s Digital Divide: Towards Sustainable Public Service Media in South East Europe was held in Sarajevo earlier this month.
Organised by Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat and EBU, it called for public broadcasters, relevant ministries and regulators in the region to join forces to ensure it does not fall behind in the digitisation process.