Broadband TV News travels the path of YouView, Project Canvas, from the end of Project Kangaroo to Ofcom’s guarded approval.
February 4, 2009: Kangaroo rejected by Competition Commission
February 26, 2009: BBC launches Project Canvas consultation
April 27, 2009: Ofcom issues warning on Canvas openness
June 26, 2009: Competition Commission accepts Kangaroo undertakings
July 23, 2009: Arqiva buys Kangaroo technology
September 12, 2009: MacAvock: EBU must harmonise hybrid TV
October 20, 2009: BBC Trust rejects plan to add additional PSB content to iPlayer
November 4, 2009: Launch costs set at £22 million
December 16, 2009: Channel 4 and Talk Talk join Project
December 22, 2009: BBC Trust gives tentative approval, but with 10 conditions
February 4, 2010: DTG members tell BBC Trust they fear Canvas is conducting ‘parallel process’
April 30, 2010: DTG receives commitment on connected TV
May 20, 2010: Clearance received from Office of Fair Trading
June 25, 2010: BBC Trust gives approval
July 7, 2010: Content protection details revealed
July 23, 2010: Kip Meek named as Project Canvas chairman
August 3, 2010: Virgin Media outlines seven ‘myths’ around Canvas
September 10, 2010: 40 device manufacturers respond to Canvas call for expressions of interest
September 16, 2010: Canvas confirms it will be branded as YouView, Richard Halton confirmed as CEO
October 19, 2010: Ofcom rules out YouView investigation