The German media monopoly commission KEK said there were 135 German language private national channels in the country as well as 20 channels in foreign languages as at July 1, 2010.
The Kommission zur Ermittlung der Konzentration im Medienbereich (KEK) has published its fourth overview of German private broadcasting market. The commission notes that the RTL Group has the largest reach with an average audience share of 25.2 % during 2009 (2006: 24.6 %) followed by ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG with a share of 22.0 % (2006: 21.0 %).
By comparison, the total reach of all public broadcasters is 42.9 % (2006: 44.6 %). The remaining broadcasters, including pay-TV channels, shopping channels, private regional broadcasters, foreign language channels and public access channel (“Offene Kanäle”) together reach 9.9 % (2006: 9.8 %).