Sky Deutschland and Deutsche Telekom are in negotiations with the German Football League (DFL) about the transmission of Bundesliga games in 3D. At the same time, the DFL is preparing the marketing packages for new TV rights for the period beginning 2013.
According to a report in Focus, the tender for these rights will begin next year, or one year earlier than previous rounds of bidding for the rights. Bringing the tender forward will allow more time for discussions with the competition authority Bundeskartellampt and the EC. It will also provide more “predictability” for Sky Deutschland and football clubs.
Sky currently pays €240 million a year for the live rights to the Bundesliga. It is also a 3D pioneer in Germany, having shown a live Bundesliga match for the first time to a selected audience in Munich this March.
Deutsche Telekom followed a month later when it broadcast a live hockey match, in co-operation with Constantin Media, Plazamedia and the German Sport1, over its IPTV network.