Sky Deutschland has entered into a framework agreement that will put all ten Sky HD channels into an additional 600,000 cable households. The satcaster will provide the seven HD streams already on the air and a further three launching this Friday (August 13) to the 140 members of Deutsche Netz Marketing GmbH (DNMG), the largest marketing organisation within German cable.
“We are very pleased that we’ve successfully reached a timely agreement with our partners at DNMG for the distribution of our complete HD service,” said Wolfram Winter, senior vice president, distribution development, Sky Deutschland.
“This enables Sky Deutschland to continue making progress in the expansion of its high definition programming and to strengthen its market-leading position as the provider of qualitatively high-value HD content.”
Sky already had a contract in place with Netcologne, but the new arrangement puts its channel packages in a series of other regional networks that include (Norderstedt), (Hamburg), S+K Servicekabel (Halle) and Teleco (Cottbus). The largest member of DNMG is Tele Columbus.
In addition, Sky has strengthened an existing agreement with Kabel & Medien Service (KMS) Munich, which allows customers to subscribe to Sky packages through KMS retail outlets.
The current line-up of Sky Cinema HD, Sky Sport HD, Disney Cinemagic HD, Eurosport HD, Discovery HD, National Geographic HD and History HD will this weekend be joined by Sky Sport HD 2, Sky Cinema Hits HD and Sky Action HD. However HD channels produced by the ProSiebenSat.1 group remain outside of the Sky offer. To view those, the German consumer needs to subscribe to the SES-Astra led HD+ bouquet, which currently uses a different set of technologies to Sky.