It is something not even Paul the Octopus could have predicted, that Germans might gain enthusiasm for high definition, and according to an Astra survey 40% are also interested in 3DTV.
HD coverage of the football World Cup was available through Das Erste, ZDF, RTL and Sky. The survey of 1,500 people, conducted on behalf of SES Astra in Germany by Forsa, found that 34% of those interviewed had watched the event in HD, either at home or on a public viewing screen.
Younger viewers in particular were captured by the HD broadcasts, two thirds (65%) saying the quality of HD broadcasts were “significantly better” than standard definition. It should be remembered that amid their initial reluctance to introduce HD, Germany’s public broadcasters instead increased the bandwidth on their SD transmissions.
More than 40 percent of respondents expressed an interest in 3DTV. Among 14-29 year olds this is close to two thirds (63%).
“The results show the high level of acceptance HDTV has reached among German audiences,” says Wolfgang Elsaesser, Managing Director Astra Germany. “Together with the broadcasters, we will continue this positive development. satellite is clearly the most attractive reception mode for digital television and the leading infrastructure for the transmission of HD channels.”
Additions to Sky Deutschland’s line-up will from mid-August take the total number of HD channels in the German market to 22.