Cambridge-based set-top box developer Amino Communications has again brought down losses after a 41.7% increase in revenues.
The company brought down first half operating losses by £2.63 million to £0.97 million after recording gross profits of £5.38 million and revenues of £12.80 million. Its operating loss was reduced by £3.50m to £0.07m.
A series of contract wins have seen shipments for the new Amino Freedom hybrid/OTT set-top box, including the first to a ‘tier one’ Western European telco. There have also been tier two contract wins in Eastern Europe and South America.
Total shipments increased by 47% to 243,000, with MPEG-4 shipments up a massive 325% on the first half of 2009, and representing 79% of shipments in the period.
Amino’s order book currently stands at 250,000. The 3 million set-top tally was reached in June.