Despite its financial woes, the German cable operator PrimaCom continues to invest in building its network. It has announced a €4 million investment to bring triple play into the communities of Großenhain, Laubusch and Lauta in the state of Saxony.
In a statement, Michael Dorn, CEO of PrimaCom AG and spokesperson for the board of PrimaCom Management, said: “With our investment, we offer the communities not only one of the most modern and efficient communications networks in Europe, but we also meet the need of our customer for HDTV, digital radio, fast Internet and low-cost telephone connections. Moreover, the infrastructure is already here today to cover the communication needs of the future and thus ensure the community an enormous advantage for the coming years.”
The operator plans to connect some 9,000 homes in Großenhain, Gröditz and Pulsen and an additional 2,000 in in Laubusch and Lauta. Primacom already provides 350,000 homes in Saxony with triple play services.