The Open IPTV Forum (OIPF) has said the organisation has successfully demonstrated end-to-end IPTV delivery using interoperable equipment and services from OIPF members. The demonstration took place at the organisation’s second Interoperability Event in Stockholm (May 31 – June 4). The OIPF specifications divide the IPTV delivery chain into three key areas: terminal, gateway and head-end. The terminal function was represented in the interoperability event by both set-top-boxes and television sets. These terminal devices notably included protected content delivery and a range of basic TV services, combined with rich interactive applications. The gateways provided crucial intermediary protocol translation, mediation and login (user personalisation) capabilities. Headend provision covered the delivery of VOD and linear television, protected video content and multiple service provider “bouquets” of services and applications.
“It is great to see the work transition from specification development to interoperable market capable products and services”, said Yun Chao Hu, the OIPF President.
A further Interoperability Event planned for the end of 2010 will give OIPF member companies their next opportunity to validate the interoperability of products and developments based upon the OIPF specifications.
Membership of the OPIF brings together network operators, content providers, service providers, consumer electronics manufacturers and home and network infrastructure providers.