The German DTH provider Fernshenpakket has launched a dedicated HD bouquet consisting of five HD channels called HD für mich (HD for me).
Fernshenpakket is a company that sells individual subscriptions to a number of the channels that are available on the Kabelkiosk Headend-in-the-Sky on the Eutelsat position of 9 degrees East. The service uses Conax encryption.
The new HD bouquet comprises Luxe TV HD, Fashion TV HD, Mezzo Live HD, HD and bebe TV HD. A monthly subscription costs €6.40 and can be ordered a la carte or in combination with other packages.
The main offer of the provider is fernsehen für mich )TV for me) consisting of 12 thematic channels including the German version of the Travel Channel, C Music, Gute Laune TV, Silverline Movie Channel, Volksmusik TV, Focus Gesundheit, auto motor sport channel, E! Entertainment and others.
In addition, the sports channel Sportdigital TV is available and an adult entertainment option.