Swedish television research company MMS is to press ahead with plans to offer uniform measurement of web-based TV services from the country’s leading broadcasters.
The organization has been working on the project since 2006 and will now engage the Dutch web analytics provider Nedstat to collect the data. The Netherlands already collects data on web viewing from the country’s broadcasters, but MMS CEO Pontus Bergdahl told Broadband TV News that once fully up and running the Swedish system would be more sophisticated. “There is no lack of measurement, in fact there is almost an excess, every site has its own server, and the server has its own measurement, not to mention third party suppliers.” However, with each of the leading broadcasters collecting separate data, comparison has been problematic. “The main asset for us is trust, we can’t be wishy washy on the web, because people won’t trust us on TV,” said Bergdahl. “We would not have been able to do this without the Dutch, but we are taking it a step further”.
Although the figures will not be added to the linear TV ratings, it will be possible to produce regular top ten lists, later adding information for subscribers such as at what point did online viewers pause or leave the content.