Cablecom is to officially introduce CI Plus to its subscribers, starting in June. The Zurich-based Cablenet is the first UPC company to adopt the technology that will be marketed as the DigiCard.
Subscribers will be able to purchase the DigiCard for CHF 99 (€67.70) with Cablecom hoping that the card, which fits into the Common Interface slot on a number of the latest television sets, will encourage cable viewing on second and third sets.
The introduction of the DigiCard is part of a new digital package being launched by Cablecom in June. The 55-channel offer also includes a 300 Kbps ‘free broadband’ connection. A price increase of CHF 0.70 will take the monthly subscription to CHF 23.20. To date 400,000 Cablecom subscribers have opted for the current digital package.
Last October, UPC confirmed to Broadband TV News that it was actively considering the introduction of CI Plus, only last week Telenet completed a Proof of Concept on CI Plus