SES-Astra has launched a new website in Germany to inform customers about the possibility to upgrade their legacy satellite receivers for reception of the HD+ channels.
Reception of the HD+ platform of encrypted HD channels is only possible with a special smart card and a dedicated receiver. However, legacy HD receivers with a CI slot can be upgraded with a software update. Viewers can then buy a special CI module for the HD+ platform including the card.
On the website, customers can find information about if their receiver is suitable for such a software update. See the website for the list of compatible receivers.
The HD+ platform currently offers HD versions of RTL GD, Sat1 HD, ProSieben HD, kabel eins HD and Vox HD.
The list of participating manufacturers and the receivers is constantly updated. The CI modules for HD + will be available sometime later this year for €99.
The CI module for HD + does not work in television sets with built-in tuners or satellite receivers with the new CI Plus slot. For these devices, a special CI Plus Module for HD + will come on the market later this quarter.