The BBC’s governing body is launching a consultation into the four on demand services that are now largely delivered through the BBC iPlayer. The review was first mooted when the iPlayer received its approval from the BBC Trust in April 2007.In a statement the Trust made clear that the review covers a part of the iPlayer and not the proposition as a whole. There are no proposals to change any aspects of the iPlayer service.
Included in the review is the seven-day catch up service over the internet; the seven-day cable TV catch-up currently carried by Virgin Media; the live TV simulcast and Podcasts. It should be noted that unlike other major broadcasters the BBC does not offer video podcasts, which were discontinued after a trial in 2007.
Aspects of the TV catch-up service including the ability to pre-book programmes and the as yet unavailable bookmarking service will also be a part of the review.
We are also assessing particular aspects of the TV catch up including the ability to pre-book or “bookmark” programmes (which is not yet available), series stack and the parental controls.
The consultation period will now run through until March 12, 2010. A separate review will cover the syndication policy.