The BBC has launched the second phase of its “radio visualisation trial”, adding webcam streams, images, now playing and artist information, news and sports feeds to popular BBC radio shows.
The trial will run until July 31 and will initially run on Simon Mayo’s BBC Radio 5 Live show, before being extended to other programmes including The Chris Moyles Show and Switch on BBC Radio 1, Material World on BBC Radio 4 and The Hub on BBC 6 Music.
Initially the content will be presented through a pop-up console before being extended, later in the trial, to a mobile phone application.
Listeners to Simon Mayo’s programme will be able to watch guests being interviewed and read comments from other listeners.
In response to the first phase of the trial, which took place in January, the new phase will also include on demand content including a weekly 45-minute compilation of the Mayo programme. The show already has a daily audio podcast featuring the guest of the day.
The corporation has siad it will share the results of the trial with the industry as a whole.